Movies With A Beautiful Woman Named Aishwarya Rai Hold on everybody. Have you seen this unbelievably gorgeous chick named Aishwarya Rai. This girl is a model, an actress, and a beauty pagent queen. She is married to actor Abhishek Bachchan and they are considered the Brad and Angelina of India and it was spectacular wedding from what I hear and have read. Within a short time she has hit the movie world with a storm. Over 20 movies in 7 years. Her biggest commercial success in India was a movie called Dhoom 2. It looks like it is a scary movie (not like a Texas Chainsaw movie) but a movie that instills fear in the people. But she has also done a cross-over movie that is like Pride and Prejudice. It's called Bride and Prejudice. I'm going to go and try to find both of these movies to watch. I wonder if they are on NetFlix?