Movies With A Beautiful Woman Named Aishwarya Rai
Hold on everybody. Have you seen this unbelievably gorgeous chick named Aishwarya Rai. This girl is a model, an actress, and a beauty pagent queen. She is married to actor Abhishek Bachchan and they are considered the Brad and Angelina of India and it was spectacular wedding from what I hear and have read.

Within a short time she has hit the movie world with a storm. Over 20 movies in 7 years. Her biggest commercial success in India was a movie called Dhoom 2. It looks like it is a scary movie (not like a Texas Chainsaw movie) but a movie that instills fear in the people. But she has also done a cross-over movie that is like Pride and Prejudice. It's called Bride and Prejudice. I'm going to go and try to find both of these movies to watch. I wonder if they are on NetFlix?

She has been heralded as "the most beautiful woman in the world" and when you see her you can see why. WOW! This ain't no Jurzey Gurl from New Jersey I'll tell ya!

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