
Showing posts with the label Arts and Humanities

Do You Know Who Daniel Goodhue Is?

Most people are not familiar with the Dan Goodhue that I am referring to. He was a sailor in the Revolutionary War and was captured and sent to prison in England. As he stayed there as a young man he ended up writing a short 7 verse poem about himself and the war. He later was released and went home and married, fathered children and became a captain of his own boat. It wasn't until hundreds of years later that his poem was accidentally found. I have wrote a hub about it if you would like to...

A Book About the Recent Close Call With an Asteroid

Did you hear about this in the news, that we came close to being walloped by an asteroid? That's crazy and reminds me of the movie Armageddon. Remember that one? That's the movie where the world was saved by Bruce Willis and his crew when they split a huge asteroid in half with a nuclear bomb that was barreling toward earth. This could have been the same thing! I'm sure one day that we are going to come head to head with a huge asteroid and we may need to come up some evasive tactics now to avoid such a catastrophe. I bet

Poems by Edgar Allan Poe

I've never been a huge fan of poems and poetry but when someone quizzes me about a poet that I have heard of I immediately say Edgar Allan Poe. Did you know around the age of 27 Edgar married his 13 year old cousin, Virginia! That's down right creepy to me! So I was wondering if he had written any love poems and he has one that is called A Valentine and without trying to interpret his poem I'm guessing it's about love. Not sure though. I have heard and have read The Raven and The Tell-Tale Heart by Poe

Books by Jorge Luis Borges

You may be wondering, who is Jorge Luis Borges? I too was wondered and so I did a little research on him and discovered that Jorge Luis was a writer, an essayist, poet and also a translator who was born and raised in Buenos Aires Argentina. He has been considered one of the greatest Spanish writers and most of his works can now be enjoyed in English. In fact, he is listed amongst the long list of Amazon books that you can purchase online. For some dumb reason I decided to check out the yearly banned books list