
Showing posts with the label Beauty and Personal Care

The Face of 'Pink Ribbon', Evelyn Lauder, dead at 75

The daughter-in-law of cosmetics giant EsteƩ Lauder, Evelyn Lauder, has died at the age of 75. She and her friend Alexandra Penney had created the 'Pink Ribbon' symbol which has become known and supported worldwide. She was a breast cancer survivor but was diagnosed with non-hereditary ovarian cancer in 2007. Sad to say she passed away at her home with her family. For her age, in my opinion, she looked very good. She was in the cosmetic

How to Surprise Your Daughter and Shock Your Parents!

It's coming up on Christmas time and parents are no doubt shopping for their kids. There are tons of cool toys for boys but you can always win a daughter's heart by getting her a Barbie doll. But did you hear about the new Barbie. It's called Totally Stylin' Tattoos Barbie by Mattel. Yes, that's right I said, TATTOOS! If my mom was alive she would have been shocked seeing a Barbie doll with tattoos on her. Thankfully Barbie has made

Excitement About Homecoming-Hairstyles!

OK, it's not too often that I go to a hair salon but recently I went with my wife to one as she was getting her beautiful long hair cute short. (It actually turned out pretty good. She looks hot with short hair, I feel like I'm with another girl, wink-wink, although her long wedding hair will always be my favorite!). But anyway, back to the story, as I was waiting for my wife in the hair salon, reading about medium length hair styles for 2011, a bunch of girls came in. I guess these girls had been studying hairstyles and haircuts all day and they had come in to get their homecoming hairstyles done. I have to admit they had picked some cute hairstyles and it ended up turning out to be a hair battle spectacular! They were talking about