
Showing posts with the label Computers and Electronics

Amazon Kindle Fire-Best Buy

My wife is really interested in the new product called the Kindle Fire. Her friends from Minnesota and Oregon are buying one and she wants one too. So I stopped in at Best Buy the other day to see if they had any and for how much. They had them for $199. What a great price! They also had an hp Touchpad sale going on too, but that's not why I had gone there (ha-ha, it's so easy for me to get sidetracked). I wanted to get a feel for the new Fire tablet and to see if there were any other places that had lower deals. So I went over to Radio Shack and sure enough they had them too for the same price.

Avoid Anonymous Emails (Hotmail, gmail, yahoo!, etc.)

I am so sick of getting spam email, and I'm sure you are as well. The majority of emails that come into my Hotmail account other email accounts, are junk! Lately I've been noticing a lot of emails that are coming from 'anonymous' people. I  hardly ever open these types of a email address because you never know what hackers have up their electronic sleeves! So here is a funny story I had related to just that. The other day a Facebook friend from New Mexico, sent me an email and in the subject he put 'anonymous movie'. I didn't realize it was from him and I just assumed that it was from someone anonymous. So I deleted it. My buddy later sent me another email and asked if I got his original email. I told him that I didn't see it and so he told me about what he had sent. Come to find out there is a movie called Anonymous. (Which is a political thriller

Download a Black Friday App

The crowds on Black Friday are going to be crazy, which I'm sure you all know from personal experience. I was in Walmart the other day and was trying to imagine what this place was going to be like on Friday. Walmarts all over over, from Utah to South Dakota are going to be packed because of all the deals going on! So I decided that I want to try and avoid all the crowds this year and did a search on the internet and found that you can download apps that show you ads from all kinds of stores and you can order items right from your