The World of Sports Is Benefiting From Tebow!

I was walking through Sports Authority the other day and I was amazed at how many Tim Tebow items there were. People were lined up to buy Denver Bronco Tebow jerseys. I live in Florida and so I am very aware of the huge fan following of Tebow from his day with the Florida Gators. In fact, I live only about 10 miles from where Tebow went to high school (Nease High School). So it doesn't surprise me that people are supporting him.

I went online to Hibbett Sports and you can buy Tim Tebow Broncos Jerseys under the Reebox
brand. I'm sure they are selling products like crazy. It has been fun to watch him play and it will be interesting to see how he does in the NFL over the years. If you would like to learn more about how good this guy was in college and now in the Pro's go to your favorite search engine and type: tebow stats. You will be amazed if you are not already.

Plus, you may be interested in reading his inspirational book entitled: "Through My Eyes". Great reviews on it over at Tim Tebow is credited with a lot of wisdom in this book and many rave about how well done it was.

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