
Showing posts from February, 2010

Don't Forget To Drink Water

Medical doctors tell us that a human can survive about 4-6 weeks without food, however if you go without water, your survival rate drops to just a few days. Believe it or not, your body is made up of 70 percent water, so you can see why it is so necessary to take in water to function properly. In fact, because the body uses up water so quickly, it is imperative that you drink water on a regular basis. But not only that, water is important for other functions as well. It is necessary for ridding the body of things that it does not need and to improve your metabolism. How much water do you need to take in daily? The recommended amount is 8 glasses per day, however more is required if you are active in sports for example. It would be good to begin a sport or exercise by drinking two glasses of water. And as you are working out, every 30 minutes replace your fluids with 1 cup of water. And finally, follow up your activity with two more cups of water, preferably water that is around roo...

How to Gain and Keep Your Energy Level Up

Do you often struggle to make it throughout the day? Do you find yourself waking up extremely tired in the morning and it just keep getting worse as the day progresses? Thank goodness that there are ways to boost your energy levels and to keep it elevated as the day goes on. One tip is to strive to wake up at the same time every single day. This may be a struggle for some, but make a concentrated effort to drag your body out of bed at the same time every single day. The reason for consistency when it comes to waking up each and every day is inconsistency can make you feel more tired. Another tip to boost and keep up your energy levels is to eat small meals as the day progresses, preferably six. Strive to avoid unhealthy foods and concentrate on eating foods that are balanced with carbs and protein. Just as you want to wake up at the same time everyday, you want to try and do the same thing with your meals. Eat at the same times, and space them out evenly to keep your energy levels...